Tara Sutphen Interviews Marek Zgirski – Shaman
Tara Sutphen interviews

Marek Zgirski is an
Energy Healing Shaman. In 1975 he became interested in helping heal others from within. His journey began in Poland, he was born of the House of Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov, yet Communism stripped his titles. Through it all, he lived happily in Poland, owning a grocery store and caring for his beautiful family. Surprisingly his wife Alina won the national lottery to move to America. Alina, who was content in her native land, could not understand why she was awarded this opportunity. A relative had placed their names, as their oldest daughter had learned English and it was her dream to move to America. Sadly, a drunk driver took her life and stole her chance of this wish. The family precedes to live her vision.
Q. Marek, when did you become interested in Healing work?
A. When I was 21, I went to work for the Poland’s Ocean Company. Spending 14 years travelling the world, I was able to see many people in distress. I wanted to reach out. So I did so energetically. My grandmother told me I was holy and special from markings on my head. I remember telling her I wanted to be a normal sailor. But I knew in my heart, I love people. At 11 years old I went to buy a bicycle from my piano teacher. On the way I saw a woman crying over a water grate where she had lost her money. I handed her my money, I didn’t get anything in return other than her gratitude and tears. And I never did get the bicycle. A few years later I made a tandem bicycle, as working with my Grandfather I learned to make things. I helped him make Grand Pianos and to tune them by ear. I started tuning into hearing the vibration of people.
Q. Tell me about the time you were in the “Perfect Storm”?
A. I didn’t experience fear, there was a huge thunderstorm at the same time as an Earthquake under the sea. Our ship’s captain decided we needed to travel 80 miles straight into the wind’s headway and giant waves to another port. Not a good leader as it took 5 days for a 6 hour trip. Our ship fell to its side, and miraculously the ships engine stayed running, another wave hit us on the other side. And it up righted the ship. Many sailors began losing their minds in fear. I stayed calm. It was a brutal challenge, but I reinforced and spoke up about our inner strength and to believe we would all live.
Q. Other life changing experiences in your travels?
A. In Beirut, 1980, in the war where they fought each other, a soldier put a gun to my head and told me he would kill me. He decided not to, but murdered another man in front of me. When I got back to the ship, I offered so much compassion for his soul. I don’t know why the soldier had spared me and taken the other man’s life. I pray for this departed man often.
I had another incident in Peru, where they were going to kill me with a gun. I don’t speak Spanish and they had a gun pointing at my head, and my fellow sailors with me didn’t speak Spanish either. We were forced face down in the dirt for hours during the day. By nightfall, the gunmen were gone and we made a run for it back to the ship. Again my life had been spared. I felt God was saving me to work in an uncommon way.
Q. Random impact?
A. There was a fellow sailor who only came to work with me on the ship for three months, and imparted deep psychic knowledge to me. At first I thought he might be a little insane. But, he came and left as though he might have been a human angel to teach me to use my personal power to heal. He’d push my psychic ability, and asked me lots of questions, never offering an answer, only the way to more intuitive knowledge. On this same voyage I met a Maori Shaman who told me of my destiny. I felt that everywhere I went I was being given a puzzle piece to my soul.
Q. Tell me about your Visions?
A. After meeting the Maori Shaman, I started to have dreams at night of the Holy Ones. They would tell me to touch rocks and they would turn into awakening people. I was lead over and over to help rouse others and offer restorative vitality.
About this time, Alina, my wife decided to go to the Doctor and got me a prescription for antibiotics. I wasn’t sick and I didn’t know why she did this. But she had an upset stomach for days and decided on her own that I was to stay home from one of my sailing journeys. When the head office received my antibiotics, I was sent home. That trip, 26 of the 27 crew on board the ship perished at sea.
After that, I knew I was to change my career. I began a grocery store with my wife. We happily did this for many years.
Q. Best Memory’s of Healings?
A. I do not keep track of the healings, as they may only be a voice on the telephone. I listen to their intonation and send energetic wave patterns. I work in the hospitals, and with many individuals to heal them on a soul level.
I have had much success, but it is only my goal to give liberation from strife.
Q. Tell me of your house cleansings?
A. Beginning at the physical level, if we clean our physical body and then our house. It all works together. I try to decipher and remove harmful rays of negative energies and radiation, which cause discomfort and ill health. Many times depression, insomnia, asthma, headaches and general stress tax an overworking body and mind. We live in a world of being bombarded with electromagnetic frequencies, the thoughts of others and the fear we carry inside. I come to energetically stimulate and reinforce the structure of living spaces.
Q. You like to say: Flowers in the garden makes for Beauty.
A. I believe that all humans come to earth to love and share with each other. The more we open our hearts, better the life experience. The future is to restructure our thoughts to bring healing for ourselves and our planet. It’s important we get our lives in sync with our spirit. And I do believe that we are always open for something new, all medicine, all technology, all hope, but for use of good positivity.
If you really want to make a difference in your life, you must have courage and trust. We also must make a beautiful earth. God is not separate, he gives us everything to be happy. Work with your body, mind and spirit – Be One.
Q. Why do you live in Seattle?
I felt I was led by Past Lives. When I am in the presence of Native American’s, they always say – “Welcome Home”. I knew Seattle was a very good place for me. I decided not to work on the sea, and I became a woodworker, specializing in fine furnishings. My woodworking shop burned down in 2009 and I took this indicator to conduct Shamanic work and help others full time.
Q. How does one contact you to use your services?
A. Call for an appointment, by phone or in person – Seattle or Travel. Call for workshop schedules.
Contact for Marek:
Thanking Marek for sharing his wisdom and experiences with us.
“When I stand before thee at the day’s end, thou shalt see my scars and know that I had my wounds and also my healing.” ~Rabindranath Tagore (Indian Poet, Playwright and Essayist, Won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913, 1861-1941)

Alina, Marek & Kitty

Marek’s Family, Shaman Swil Kanim Family & Tara’s Family – Feast by Alina, Cake by Marek
Marek Schedule:
Marek is in Los Angeles 9.26 – 10.11, 2012
Marek is in Sedona 10.11 – 10.16, 2012
Tara Schedule:
Sedona Mystic Training 10.13-14, 2012
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