New Years Resoul-ution
New Years Resoul-ution
by Tara Sutphen
New Year’s Resolution should be Re Soul-ution, another year to catch up to our soul goals.
We often ask ourselves, when is enough prolongation sufficient? We get trapped in our flaws. Have you tried to lose weight for years and simply stay the same weight or gain 10 lbs every holiday? Do you smoke and continue to tell yourself you will stop smoking next year? Do you refuse to exercise? Do you want to change your career but you’re stuck? Does money have you chaotic or flustered? Is stress making you muddled? Is your health failing? Why do we do this to ourselves? WHY?
We find ourselves in many earthly tests where we have to talk fast, make decisions, and sometimes act without delay. We want to make the correct choices. Many of us try and strengthen our intellect as best we can through wisdom, education, relaxation, meditation and by principles of non-hypocrisy. We work toward foundations where attributes and talents can be refined. We have had parental and teacher programming to use as guidelines, as well as societies standards and Universal Principles. We are here on earth to perpetuate.
Breathing deeply and sitting in simple introspection can work wonders on figuring out our whys. When we feel really stuck there are many meditation practices and hypnosis programming to assist overcoming predicaments. We all have to make decisions that better our lives. Whether it be to see the doctor or dentist, or just be proactive in taking better care of ourselves and making the right selection to achieve.
Try this for a few minutes:
Settle yourself in your chair and slowly now……………..take a deep breathe, breathing gently and easily, feeling calm and peaceful, relaxed and at ease……….calm and peaceful, relaxed and at ease. letting worries or sadness drift away from you…………drifting away……………….you have become unlocked and unblocked allow all worries to drift away…………
(take a moment to really feel it)
Quietly and easily………..ask your body, mind and spirit to wake up to your life. Reviving your spirit, your mind, your body. Breathing deeply and feeling relaxed. And on the count of three:
Number 1………………. Number 2……………………. Number 3…………..
Feel your mind and your brain —– awakening………….your body, your blood, your cells and your organs — awakening…………………… your spirit —- awakening………….allowing yourself to awaken on all levels
(take a moment to really feel it)
And now……..
Put your hand on your forehead – ask yourself to awaken your mind…………Say aloud or silently in your mind:
I am clear thinking, there is no more confusion. My mind and brain are working at optimum level. Awaken my mind. Awaken my brain. Rekindle my zest for life.
(take a moment to really feel it)
And now………………
Put your hand on your heart – ask yourself to awaken your heart……..Say aloud or silently in your mind:
My heart beats strongly in my body and my love activates on all levels………. Real Love, True Love, Unconditional Love, Self Love and Romantic Love. Love on all levels. Awaken my heart. Rekindle my zest for life.
(take a moment to really feel it)
And now………………
Put a hand on your solar plexus area —- your trust center — Say aloud or silently in your mind:
My trust center is intact, I don’t always know where I am going but I trust that I have a beautiful life. I activate my trust center, my inner knowing, I access all situations, and have the foresight to know when to take a step forward and grace my life in prosperity. I understand on a deep level what is good and right for me. I want to fulfill my purpose upon the earth. Rekindle my zest for life.
(take a moment to really feel it)
And now………………
Put a hand on your abdomen area—-Your strength center—Say aloud or silently in your mind:
I consciously make an effort to strengthen my body. I live on the planet to enrich my life, there is no fear. I am courageous and capable. My Spirit is Strong, My Mind is Strong, My Body is Strong. Activate my strength center. Rekindle my zest for life.
(take a moment to really feel it)
You will create the life you want to live. Your expectations turn to an optimistic viewpoint. You no longer live in fear. For the journey is not always a mystery, it is how you play the game of life. Love, Success, Health, Wisdom, Accomplishment, Harmony, Security, Time, Knowledge, Attunement and Understanding is your bounty on earth.
Awaken on all levels…….AWAKEN
(take a moment to really feel it)
Temple of ProphecyUSD $ 10.99
Meditation By Tara Sutphen
Excerpt: “Between each of the massive columns of the Temple of Prophecy is a separate golden door — each door is carved with heavenly symbols and in the center is a word. The first door says, “Relationships.” The second door says, “Career.” The third door says, “Health.” Each door offers a glimpse of your future as the future will unfold unless actions are taken to alter destiny.”
You choose one door, open it and enter the room where you will sit before a large quartz crystal and put on a special headset to enhance psychic awareness. Once your chakras are balanced and your aura expanded, you will be directed to begin perceiving psychic impressions of your future. Later, you will receive a special psychic message in regard to the life area you’re exploring. Trust your impressions and you will see the future. 30 Minutes.
TS212 — $10.99 (MP3)
