Happy Full Wolf Moon

Full Wolf Moon
By Tara Sutphen
The Full Wolf Moon (Native American) at 11* Cancer will culminate January 1, 2018 6:24 AM PsT/9:24 PM EsT (Farmers Almanac/Moon Phases Calendar). The current phase of the moon is a Waxing Gibbous (88.8% illuminated), 11.6 days old and at a distance of 366763 Km (227896 Miles).
This Full Moon in Cancer is about coming together. Your home and family are in the limelight of the moon this month. It’s not only time to work on better relations but to come into mastery and learn on that level, so you can enjoy other aspects of your life and get on the path of your true purpose. Its getting to a place of Love on all levels, real love, true love, unconditional love, self love and romantic love.
So how did the holidays go? Was everyone and everything fine or are you going to have to work on yourself? Or is it back to square one learning coping skills for next year? Did you have enough time for all those you love? Was it quality time? Or were you wasting time with the ones you were subjected to and sometimes give you a headache? Is it you or them? Whats wrong with them after all, is it their need for recognition or are they just party crashers and complainers. Are we here on earth to alleviate our burdens or guilt with our families or close friends. Why are we coming together with the people who we find ourselves gathering around. You may get along with everyone, but do they get along with you?
The many personalities and a simple fix: its best not to be in judgement. It’s best to be someone who settles their inner nature. It’s best to find a peaceable time with those around you. If you’ve achieved this, you are well on your way to experience life at its best. But for some reason people don’t always get along, unless you swallow your opinions on religion and politics and then everything is hunky-dory. And there seems always to be “one black sheep”, whether that’s in a self-destructive category or just the family member who doesn’t follow “rules”. Is the black sheep you? Or are you the peacemaker? What do you bring to the table.
With all the varied personalities around, it can be challenging to have a good time, especially with difficult personalities. There can be confusion on how to handle social events or family gatherings. As they can bring a certain strain. You are to reclaim your life and its gifts, you are to work out any self-consciousness or doubt. You can easily come into your family dynamics, programming, communication style, and/or politeness.
Enjoy your present moment, no matter how simple the task. Creation is a process of constructive movement. Peace in the home does not come from material possessions, it is an attitude. Sentiments, calmness of the spirit, not needing to be right, offering an inner peace goes a long way. Home is where the heart is…
Positive Emotions:
Soothe the self. Learn to feel okay. Actuate your emotions into feeling self-assurance or come back to your inner sanctum. You don’t need to create disorder, and don’t react when others are creating chaos or over-reacting. This is about you, and your progression in life. Don’t let others set the tone on what you’re to feel. It’s not a “letting go”, but a “letting it be”.
Family and Friend get-togethers can be a place to share and reminisce. Friends should be constructive, soothing and progressive. Families who discuss conflict, provide alternatives, and take action on troubling issues usually feel aligned. Alienation begins when we become fragmented. After all it is natural to individuate from your parents, to man-up or become a woman having your own routine and family. Sometimes you can become relative strangers as families are a collection of styles, perspectives, principles, ages, and different ways of observing professions or service. Listening is a good way to start, and knowing when to leave a conversation quietly. Ask questions, find another commonality.
Show up and pay attention to your beloved. Making quality time for another person. If you are in a long term relationship you won’t always be on the same page but if you want to make the relationship work: Engage in eye contact, body contact, and speak sincerely to each other. You won’t think like each other as two individuals are not alike. There can be many things you learn from each other. It should be a supportive relationship in every way. If you treat each other like a best friend, you always will be.
We want to create significance in our lives. Maybe a place we can start is by looking into someone’s positive qualities over their negative traits. When you don’t expect anything from another, you are just enjoying their very existence. There are different levels of intimacy, starting from unconditional love to the allowance of genuine moments to evolve with those we love. If… we can always stay with how we feel. Finding the way to be content instead of overthinking what we think we need, as reciprocation is tricky, trust is faulty, it’s not about how someone else develops in life; this is about you. This is your development. When your heart is in acceptance, you don’t need to justify why you love; Just Love. When you allow for connection with others, whether they are flawless or not; Just Love. Whether they are in your life for a short or long time; Just Love. Stop questioning, as love makes you a better person. Generating unconditional love allows you to shine. Allow for the life you are searching for…
Journal Questions:
How are you sensitive to your heart-
How are you sensitive to your love nature-
How do you stay bonded-
Does the future connect you to others-
What do you want for your future-
What are your Dreams-
Are you absorbed. How do you solve:
Your problems
Other Peoples problems
Money problems
Relationship problems
Health problems
Personal issues
Bad habits
Career problems
Past choices
Do you help solve the problems of others in your circle:
Money problems
Relationship problems
Health problems
Personal issues
Bad habits
Career problems
Past choices
What is your ideal:
anothers beauty
inside maintenance
outside maintenance
person maintenance
place maintenance
thing maintenance
When you feel insecure
Who Do You Love:
Do you have a working relationship-
What makes it work-
What is the problems-
What are the solutions-
Who means the most to you and why:
Regain your health! Practice for the following month and all your life if you want:
Breathing deeply a few times a day
Drinking more water
Taking a walk
Writing in a Journal
Creating a solution
Creating plans
___Learning to be amongst others you don’t always agree with is sometimes a challenge or maybe you find it’s… boring. We are all not on the same path. Unconditionally love those who you love. Speak reasonably on what you convey and communicate, learning to be in calm discussions teaches us to respect the feelings and needs of others.
— 3 ways to activate your voice:
Stable, relaxed voice
Assured and Sincere
Applicable volume
Helpful and Practical
—- “You were made perfectly to be loved – and surely I have loved you, in the idea of you, my whole life long.” ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861 English Poet)
Tara Sutphen
Tara Sessions/Tara Seminars/Tara Radio Show
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