Happy Full Snow Moon
Full Snow Moon
By Tara Sutphen
The Full Snow Moon (Native American) at 22* Leo will culminate February 10, 2017 4:33PM PsT/7:33pm EsT (Farmers Almanac). The current phase of the moon is a Full Moon (99.4% illuminated), 14.0 days old and at a distance of 377249 Km (234412 Miles). Two cosmic events on Friday night: a lunar eclipse and the passing comet. The eclipse will be a penumbral lunar eclipse, covering the moon with a portion of Earth’s shadow. While looking for the eclipse the moon will be faintly darker than usual. The comet you can see a few hours after the eclipse, Comet 45P, it’s been visible for the past two months with binoculars and telescopes, but it now makes its closest approach to Earth, when it will be “only” 7.4 million miles away according to NASA. If you look to the east approximately at 3am on Saturday, it will be visible in the constellation Hercules. It will be a vivid blue-green with a glowing tail.
This Full Moon in Leo is all about your exterior shining in the world and your resourceful tendencies coming to the fore. Vibrancy and animation are easily attained as you move toward recognition and future aspirations simply. Complications aren’t necessary, and all of a sudden you spot where you can pacify frustration. These hindrances can be of any nature, love, unhappiness, weakness or sickness. You are in a mode of creating the best possible outcome in all things, having a bigger view of the possibilities laying before you. We don’t always think we can do the things we want to achieve although keeping calm, cool and collected helps get us to a goal. Forward movement is the key, brave and straight feat gains strategy. Sometimes we don’t understand why we had to take it slow to get where we are going or who we’ve wanted to be. But the learning continues, the vivaciousness of life is only waiting to be tapped such as the clarity of water, pulsating food, genuine love, delight of the land and the spiritual evolution of all things. Open yourself to expect great light and rapid innovation.
Journal Questions:
Who do you want to be
Where do you want to live
How do you want to make money
What are you aiming for
What holds you back…
People problems
Money problems
Relationship problems
Health problems
Personal issues
Bad habits
Career problems
Past choices
Do you have healthy
inside maintenance
outside maintenance
person maintenance
place maintenance
thing maintenance
When you feel insecure, do you have
Compassionate acceptance of yourself
Compassionate acceptance of others
Spending too much time on others and not yourself
Spending too much time on yourself and not on others
Forward movement toward positive activities
Forward movement toward negative activities
What and Who Motivates You
What stresses you out and what stabilizes you
Regain your health! Practice for the following month and all your life if you want:
Breathing deeply a few times a day
Drinking more water
Taking a walk
Writing in a Journal
Creating a solution
Creating plans
— When looking in a mirror, remember to readjust your auric being and perception of yourself. You are a wondrous person on the planet. Being in sync with the human you aspire, remember your soul has plans. Make the most of everyday. When others want to drag you down. Be your best, always take the high road.
“You can become blind by seeing each day as a similar one. Each day is a different one, each day brings a miracle of its own. It’s just a matter of paying attention to this miracle.” ~Paulo Coelho – Mystical Author of Brazil
Item : Empowerment ZapperUSD $ 10.99 By Tara Sutphen

The powerful “Zapper” mind technology combined with audible suggestions. Use the CD three different ways: 1) Be mentally programmed in your home or office while sitting down and doing other things such as working at a computer or reading. 2) Use it as closed-eye meditative programming. 3) Use it as sleep programming. Simply listen as you go to sleep.
Some of the Spoken Suggestions
You make room in your life to manifest abundant joy, abundant love, abundant sex, and abundant monetary resources. You say “YES” to life. You always create the time to do what replenishes you. You attain balance and harmony by fulfilling your emotional, physical and spiritual needs. You are resourceful, tenacious and determined. And you have a life-affirming, uplifting attitude. You are authentic in your responses to life situations. You make room for miracles in your life. You’re strong, powerful and confident. You replace negative beliefs with a self-affirming attitude. You trust your intuitive powers. You feel young and enthusiastic and energetic, and you have the strength to do what you need to do. And you have the courage to say “NO” when you need to. You seek out and surround yourself with people who lift your spirit.