Full Pink Moon

Full Pink Moon
By Tara Sutphen
Full Pink Moon (Native American) at 17* Libra will culminate April 06, 2012 12:20pm pdt / 3:20am edt (almanac).
This Full Pink Moon is about stepping into our best companionable and comfortable self. What is it that we are trying to achieve when truly being an individual. We think of ourselves as a solid being. When we Like, we Like. When we Love, we Love. When we Learn, we Learn. And when we are unsure of others motives and tactics, we can be cautious and disappointed. When do we trust others, or is it to trust our self. If you risk and love, you can say you took a chance at life and the offerings. We should cast our bold selves running forth through the wind, thinking by chance we will meet people who are in line with our destiny. As we don’t seem to know how we come to be around the people we are related or acquainted with…those strangers who happen to come into our lives and private worlds.
We are all visitors and guests on earth. Initially, we are attracted or brought together through like-minded and synchronistic circumstances. Repeatedly, we admire others sensibilities and gracious ways, and wonder what conduct and character traits we possess and how we are “seen”. Where are we considered exceptional and special. Isn’t it within us to try and treat those chosen to be our friends, lovers, colleagues, family and admirers in the best possible way. Often we want to, but do we. Due to our conditioning and programming, we set forth our agenda on how we behave toward others and how they indulge us. We either step in to be accepted or misunderstand. And we will reason many times in our lives, why we feel the need to be liked or loved.
We’re to remember the divine light shines within all beings, even when we think we are alone and forsaken. We can be so unsure of ourselves. Needing a boost of awareness and others kindness. Are we conditional with our expectations or can we learn to be unconditional. When do we need to stick up for ourselves, or step away from negative situations. The road signs teach us to take a turn at the crossroad. We can learn the pertinent cues of purpose and pleasure. And the more we coordinate and know when to hang on and when to let go. Knowing we’re in a test. How we pass or fail. For to learn the ways of communication, meaning and love is a process and not everyone we care about or for will be with us throughout our journey. The target of our objectives and goals should be to gain merit, respect and appreciate whose thoughtfulness touch us.
Journal Questions:
List your likability
1-5 pages in your journal
Who likes you
Who do you like
List your lovability
1-5 pages in your journal
Who loves you
Who do you love
How are you misunderstood
Write 10 misunderstandings
Are you honest in your dealings with others
Why not
Honestly give yourself answers
Awareness and Attraction
Are you attracting the right kind of people
Are you aware of how you sabotage yourself
Are you aware of how you honor yourself
Are you aware of the way your mind activates
Are you aware how actions speak louder than words
Are you always saving others
Are others always saving you
What kind of friendships do you make
What makes a friendship
Are they loyal
Are you loyal
Do you easily come together with others
Do others come easily toward you
Do you have trouble making friends
What kind of lovers do you choose
What traits do you require
Are you in a committed relationship
What traits of this person do you love
Do you stay true
Do they stay true
Parents and Love
How do your parents love
How do they love you
How do you love them
How do you love your mother
How do you love your father
Are they good people
Who is good
Who is bad
Are there problems because of drama
Who is dramatic
Are problems made into a defeat
Are problems made into a victory
Are your parents wise
Are your parents living life
How did they take care of their health
How did they take care of their jobs
What do you admire about them
What do you think are their greatest mistakes
Are you like them
List where you carry some of their patterns or programming
What are your friends like
Who is good for you
Who is bad for you
What is your job like
Do you work as a team with other people
How do people treat you at work
Are you happy at work
We will expect people to come and go in our lives. There are frivolous days of people throughout our social schedules and events. There will be unusual people who try to block every move and create havoc. And there are those fascinating, that we can’t hold on to. There will be some people who lock us in some kind of dismal grip, and be hard to get rid of. And there are those that can’t get rid of us. And when it’s time to let go of people, we will need to grant our sweet friends and family a life they need to live. Many will never look back, no matter if you think they should. You will want joy for all, and some will not know how to find it. We all can’t live for another, but we can love. There will be the extraordinary ones, those so special in our hearts we will never be prepared to let them go. The soul’s dearest to us, this sentiment is the one we search for…
“To be rich in admiration and free from envy, to rejoice greatly in the good of others, to love with such generosity of heart that your love is still a dear possession in absence or unkindness – these are the gifts which money cannot buy” ~Robert Louis Stevenson (Scottish Essayist, Poet and Author of fiction and travel books, 1850-1894)
Repost if you want
Standing Before The Moon Ritual
Standing Before
The Moon Ritual Meditation & Sleep Programming
Although you would ideally do this meditation outTrack beneath the full moon, you can also experience it by imagining the moon and four directions as you are surrounded with magical energy … a rainbow of light. In the Goddess’ name, you open to the light. You can actually stand up and raise your palms to the sky or imagine this process of being energized and rejuvenated. Facing North you ask for solutions to your problems and experience many blessings. Facing East you seek solutions and prosperity while trusting yourself to make the right choices. Following many blessings, you turn to the South and ask for increased self-esteem and harmonious relationships with the people in your life. After the blessings, you turn to the West to face your destiny and ultimate potentials. Open your mind and release your courage. The ritual ends with the moon as your guiding light on the shadowed path. It illuminates your dreams as you walk steadfast and proceed on your earthly journey with an open heart. Track 2: A beautiful sleep programming version of the ritual. Listen as your cross over into sleep and explore the four directions into your dreams.
also available in CD www.tarasutphencds.com