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  Tara's Blog

Aspiring Magazine March/April 2022




I want to start out with where you were born, where you grew up. What was your life like?

I grew up in two states, Alaska and California. My mother, Marianne grew up in Anchorage, Alaska. She was born in a tent in Palmer and grew up on a homestead. When I was conceived, she was a nurse in Hollywood. She went back to Alaska to work in a Native Hospital for most of her pregnancy before moving to Seattle, Washington where I was born. Birth itself was a struggle for me. I immediately had to have an emergency surgery that lasted almost eight hours. The hospital Chaplin had little hope in my recovery. He read me my last rites and sent my mother home. It was my first near death experience. As a baby, I remembered everything. I could recount details of my everyday life with my parents and great-grandparents. There was a heightened awareness of how my family was feeling about things and how to act accordingly.

My father, Richard was born and raised in Santa Cruz, California. We moved between states because of his projects. He was an engineer, and I was born in Seattle because of his work on the Space Needle for the World Fair. My parents influence inspired my innovative work ethic and desire to help others. I was already considered a different child, spiritually aligned with people and things. My second near death experience was when I was eight years old. I was in a bicycle accident and began to hemorrhage. My father drove me to the hospital and the doctors wheeled me straight into emergency surgery. When I was moved from the gurney to the operating table, I took my last gasp and experienced my soul gravitating towards the light. This second NDE awakened a deeper connection to my intuition that would only grow stronger as I explored the intricacies of spiritual connection.

When I became a teenager people of a higher vibration would gravitate to my energy. Such as shamans, psychics and the masterful seers of the world. Wherever I was they would seek me and read me without payment or prompting. These spiritual guides were from Asia, the Philippines, Australia, Brazil, India, Native American Tribes, Russia, Africa and local. It was as though they were drawn to me from the light within us all, guiding us on our life paths. From birth I have been guided and tested in my ability to walk with my feet in both this reality and the one beyond the veil. My true purpose is to heal and secure the confidence of the mind, body, and spirit connection. The power of the mind has experiential potential. Our perspectives define the limits of our human experience. With practice and patience I believe everyone has the ability to expand their psychic awareness.

What drew you to Astrology?

I was 18 when I went to work on the Alaska pipeline, which is deep in the Arctic. Up in the vast frozen wasteland, I met a security guard for BP and an astrologer, Sharva Venta. His dad was a famous deceased Beatnik Krishna Venta, who was a big tadoo in Box Canyon back in the late 1950s. Sharva asked if I would like my astrology done. I didn’t know what he meant really, as it was before all the computer technology. He wrote out my chart by hand, and it was about 50 pages of this small handwriting. It was inspirational and eye opening as it depicted the very essence of my character. After encountering Sharva Venta, I became fascinated with astrology and have studied it all these years. Mastering the mathematics and star blueprints that define the complexity of human personalities.

Who influenced you to go public with your work?

I had many teachers, although It wasn’t until I moved from Anchorage, Alaska to Ojai, California at the age of twenty one, that I met my mentors and spiritual partner. I have a great deal of affection and gratitude to my dear friend, Jess Stearn. We met at Sarno”s restaurant in Hollywood. The owners Alberto and Savannah had this big table where they would sit 12 or 14 people, but it was bench style so you could get locked in the middle. Jess had been seated by me and we were “stuck”. Alberto says, “tell something psychic to Tara”. He took my hand and raised it to his forehead, he guessed the month I was born. I said “yes”, he then did the same thing to the date of my birthday, I said “yes” and then he said the year. Right then and there I think we were sealed. But then he asked me, if I wanted to come to a seance’ at his house that next week. For whatever reason, I declined and yet a few weeks later our paths crossed again at the same restaurant. He invited me to dinner in Malibu and our friendship bloomed. Jess Stearn was a great author and became one of my dearest friends of my life.

In the beginning, I didn’t know his books but he covered Eastern thought for the Western World. Primarily through one of his NY Bestsellers “Yoga, Youth & Reincarnation” (1965). Jess introduced me to Dick Sutphen, whom I married on Jess’ deck in the early eighties. Jess and I were so divinely connected that later Dick and I had our daughter, Cheyenne on Jess’s Birthday April 27th. Between those two men, psychic phenomena and hypnotherapy became my everyday life and obsession. I became a certified hypnotherapist and penned a column called “Cause & Effect” where I used automatic writing and my psychic ability to answer readers personal problems with supernatural solutions.

Did you have to go to college for that?

During my youth there wasn’t metaphysical schools on the west coast as there are today. I went to traditional college for equine science. I’ve always had a soft spot for animals and believe we can connect with them by using concentrated energy and tone. I really wanted to be a veterinarian. I studied for three years at Equine Science School, but I had three kids to raise. I was trying to find balance with being a mother, running a non-profit organization and traveling to seminars on the weekend. So, I switched gears and attended Art school for another three plus years to give myself a creative outlet for the chaos of parenthood and psychic exploration. I asked my husband if we could open a bookstore and I called it “Malibu Shaman” which is still in Malibu, California today owned and run by Dick’s oldest son, Scott. I was able to order any book, I studied the Psychic Sciences: Automatic Writing, Hypnotism, Channeling, Sorcing, Palmistry, Psychometry, Handwriting Analysis, Esoteric Astrology, Shamanism, & Mysticism, etc. My dedication to metaphysics lead to teaching seminars all over the planet and away from merchant life.

Why were you nominated for Grammys?

I was nominated for Grammy’s when I began writing meditations and recording them. I was grouped with all the inspirational speakers and comedians where they give awards before the music awards. Looking back, it was a beautiful experience. It was fun to dress up and go to the Grammys to see if I was going to win or not. I was rather shy but had to be ready to accept an award, so I composed myself accordingly. I wore black velvet. and another year a long beautiful blue gown. There were pretty people everywhere, and amazingly dressed, certainly moments that I will never forget. I felt very honored to be nominated for my work.

How many books have you written?

I’ve written four books and am currently writing my fifth book right now. The books I’ve written are Blame It On Your Past Lives, Soul Agreements, Abenda Chronicles, and the Abenda Writings. Abenda is my spirit guide, I met her when I had my near death experiences. She said she’d work with me one day, but I didn’t really know what she meant at the time. When I began the books, she would come through and give such great advice. If I wanted to know something about you, I would ask Abenda. I’d call to my guide and she’d converse with your spirit guide or someone who loves you very much and then they write through my hand. I did that for many years. People loved those letters. The book I’m writing now is a little different, I’ve taken people I know who have died and they are telling us what it is like on the other side.

What’s something different you are doing in your industry?

I have an IHypnoTherapy app, a radio show and am doing Equine Therapy. The radio show is called “Transformations with Tara” you can hear me on iHeart and Spotify. I’ve been a radio host for 13 years and recommend it to anyone who wants to be a conscious voice in the world. My show is aired Friday mornings at nine a.m. Pacific time. We start out with a FB Live, I bring on special guests or my brother, Jason D. McKean AKA Om Tarot Wizard as a co-host to discuss topics and phenomena. Jason is a wise wizard and spiritual teacher, he ran Dick and my company Valley of the Sun for thirty years, he has sold over a million copies of OM recordings throughout the world and written a successful book on Tarot you can find on Amazon called “Magic Channel Tarot Reading with the Tarot Wizard”. He is a master of Tarot and does many classes including on-going teachings for Japan.

I conduct many seminars all over the globe and do in person or remote private sessions. I’ve led a variety of workshops on many metaphysical subjects and psychic development. Currently the most unusual class I am offering is therapy with horses for healing peoples inability to connect or bond due to traumatic experiences on their life path. They’ve been incredible appointments. I mostly lead these sessions in Los Angeles, but I’m always open to travel. I work with suggested imagery, shamanic techniques and visualization, I have 12 horses to choose from and they click in right away to the work. I show up and they can’t wait to be chosen. I should say, most of the people who book the horse therapy appointments have never been around horses.

Any last minute words of encouragement?

The power of your mind is a fantastic tool and even more phenomenal when we learn some psychic abilities, meditation or visualizations to enhance our human experience. We all come up against problems, but there is always a way out. It’s very important that we take steps in building a life that nurtures your mind, body and spirit. Environments and influences can always be changed with the right form of motivation and discipline. We create our reality, it’s that simple.

Well, this has been wonderful and I can’t wait to see you again!

Tara Sutphen lives in Los Angeles, California with her two Horses and two Dogs.


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Tarot Revealed: Finding your Purpose
US Sibley - Transits - July 4, 1776
Tara Sutphen

US Sibley - Transits - July 4, 1776

US Sibley Chart Transits - The United States is going through two of the most profound astrological transits: Pluto Return and Chiron Return. Both of those planets involve deep purging of darkness, abuse of power, fear, identity crisis, activation of collective wounding and rebirth. Although reaching a peak in 2022, these energies have been building and will continue to have a ripple effect for decades to come. Astrologers Tara Sutphen and Matthew Engel will discuss the profoundly transformative significance of the astrological transits impacting the US Sibly chart from 2020-2024 and beyond. What do these transits imply for the economy, global alliances, race relations, political turmoil and spiritual growth for everyone alive in the US today? Tara and Matthew address these issues and more. Post Download Quiz: 1. The US is experiencing which Pluto Return in the early 2020’s? a) 2nd b) 16th c) 1st d) 8th 2. Which transit building in 2022-2024 is replicating themes of healing and transformation from the early 1970’s? a) Pluto Return b) Chiron Return c) Saturn Return d) Uranus Opposition 3. Americans have the capacity to harness transformative power when they come together across factions and race as indicated by what influences in the US Sibley chart? a) Uranus in the 6th House b) Aquarius Moon c) Libra ruling the 11th House d) B & C 4. Scarcity mentality around resources and misuse of power through financial institutions is indicated through what influence in the US Sibly chart? a) Jupiter Conjunct Venus b) Mercury, North Node and Part of Fortune in the 8th House c) Chiron in Aries in the 4th House d) Pluto in the 2nd House 5. Collective wounding that leads to a feeling that we must fight for our sense of safety and security is indicated by what influence in the US Sibly chart? a) Chiron in Aries in the 4th House b) Capricorn ruling the 2nd House c) Libra at Midheaven d) Mars in the 7th House *The answers are in the video!
Lunar New Moon: Honing the Power of the Monthly New Moon
Tara Sutphen

Lunar New Moon: Honing the Power of the Monthly New Moon

The Dawn of a Lunar Cycle: Honing the Power of the Monthly New Moon People have been doing Moon rituals for all of eternity. But what does the lunar cycle have to do with your daily life and affairs? Are there inherent beginnings and endings woven in to the shadow and light of a lunar cycle? How can you harness this monthly ebb and flow to support your intentions, emotions, interactions, desires and manifestation? In Part 2 (separate download), we'll address the significance of the monthly Full Moon and how you can use it through each sign of the zodiac. New Moon Cycle Quiz: A primary opportunity of a New Moon is to? a) Take action b) Finish projects c) Go within and set intentions d) End relationships 2. A waxing moon means what? a) The first half of a lunar cycle b) The second half of a lunar cycle c) The day of a full moon d) The day of a new moon 3. What is the significance of the sign of the New Moon? a) It helps us release anything that isn’t serving us b) It sets the tone for that lunar cycle c) It represents the culmination of a year’s worth of work d) It has no relevance 4. If we wish to manifest something, it’s particularly helpful to plant seeds energetically when? a) The Moon is Full b) The Moon is New c) The Moon is in its waning crescent d) None of the above 5. Setting intentions for peace, beauty and harmony can most effectively be done when the New Moon is in which of the following signs? a) Aries b) Scorpio c) Virgo d) Sagittarius e) Libra *The answers are in the video!
Full Moon: Your Intentions
Tara Sutphen

Full Moon: Your Intentions

The Power of the Full Moon: In Part 2 of our Lunar Cycle Series, Matthew and Tara discuss the ways in which energy builds both monthly and semi-annually based on the polarity of lunar cycles. Learn how you can time your intentions and reap your harvests while rolling with the ebb and flow of lunar energy, culmination and release. Full Moon Quiz: 1. The Full Moon occurs at or within a few degrees of which of the following signs? a) The sign opposite the preceding New Moon b) The sign squaring the preceding New Moon c) The same sign of the preceding New Moon d) It has no relevance to the New Moon 2. Which of the following statements are most accurate? a) The New Moon is in the opposite sign of the Sun and the Full Moon is in the same sign as the Sun. b) The New Moon is in the same sign as the Sun and the Full Moon is in the opposite sign as the Sun. c) The New Moon is illuminated by the Sun d) The Full Moon is hindered by the energy of the Sun 3. A Full Moon is a time of what? a) Completion b) Sleep c) Celebration d) Culmination 4. Which of the following statements is accurate? a) The Full Moon starts a new cycle. b) The Full Moon is a time of rest. c) The Full Moon culminates intentions that we may have set at a New Moon cycle 6 months earlier. d) The Full Moon can offer polarity for the intentions that we may have set during the preceding New Moon. e) C & D 5. A Full Moon in Scorpio is often a time of a) Redecorating your house b) Socializing c) Enhanced emotions which can lead to self awareness and transformation d) A new perspective on your health and fitness routine *The answers are in the video!
Money Themes part 3: Finding Purpose & Depth
Tara Sutphen

Money Themes part 3: Finding Purpose & Depth

Money Themes in the Birth Chart, Part 3: Finding Purpose, Passion and Value - Even When You're Not a Billionaire. As we finish our 3 part series on Money Themes, we'll look at the chart of an everyday person who never earned much money but who learned to draw from the dynamic power and unique strengths of her astrological chart to achieve deep meaning, a sense of purpose and happiness - with a surprise twist late in life. Money Talks Part 3 Quiz: 1. Areas of emphasis on personal integrity and spiritual depth for this individual include which of the following? a) A stellium of Scorpio planets in the 12th House b) Sagittarius Sun as the dominant planet in the chart c) Pluto and Chiron conjunct in the 9th House d) Saturn conjunct Jupiter e) All of the above 2. A chart placement that could indicate financial sustainability if not riches is? a) Part of Fortune conjunct North Node in Libra b) Neptune in Virgo in the 10th House c) Moon in Capricorn in the 2nd House d) The polarity of Scorpio/Taurus planets 3. One of the factors that could contribute to this individual finding success through friendships and community is? a) Virgo at Midheaven b) Part of Fortune conjunct North Node in Libra in the 11th House c) Pisces at the IC/Nadir d) The spiritual qualities of her 9th house planets 4. The karmic relationship between this individual and her child - whose chart is also mentioned - whereby the child would feel a great deal of duty and responsibility for his mother is indicated where in his (the child’s) chart? a) Being a Double Libra b) His Saturn conjunct his Moon in Cancer c) The polarity (opposites) of Moon placements between Mother (Capricorn) and Son (Cancer) d) The controlling nature of the mother having several planets in Scorpio 5. A powerful influence that would help give form to the Mother’s ability to manifest what she needs include all of the following, except? a) A Grand Trine between Neptune, Moon, and Uranus in earth signs b) Neptune helping to raise the vibration of possibility for a potentially brooding and disciplined Capricorn Moon c) Saturn conjuncting Jupiter to add a level of integrity, rules, focus and integrity. d) All of the above *The answers are all in the videos!
Astrology of a Billionaire, Money Part 2
Tara Sutphen

Astrology of a Billionaire, Money Part 2

Money Themes Part 2: Astrological Chart of Billionaire, Warren Buffett. In Part 2 of Money Talks, Matthew Engle and Tara Sutphen will explore the natal chart of a billionaire. Warren Buffett was born poor and didn't accrue most of his wealth until after the age of 50. In this fascinating talk, Tara and Matthew will explore through an astrological lens some of the early experiences, pain points, passions, creativity, and opportunities that played a role in Warren Buffett becoming one of the wealthiest people on Earth! Be sure to also check out Part 3 of Money Talks (separate download), in which we discuss the journey of attaining depth, purpose, passion and financial sustainability in life - albeit without the billions $$ Money Talks, Part 2 Quiz: 1. One influence that might indicate wounding pertaining to themes of money and self worth in Warren Buffett’s chart is? a) Saturn in Capricorn in the 1st House b) Chiron in Taurus in the 5th House c) Venus conjuncting the South Node in Libra d) Neptune conjuncting his Sun 2. A strong indicator that Warren Buffett could benefit strongly through business partnerships is? a) Moon in Sagittarius b) Mercury in Libra c) Pluto conjuncting Jupiter in the 7th House d) All of the above 3. During which transit(s) did Warren Buffett’s wealth really begin to expand? a) Saturn Return b) Pluto transiting Midheaven c) Chiron Return d) Jupiter conjunct North Node e) B & C 4. Which placement in his chart may have contributed to Warren Buffett feeling as though he wasn’t fully seen or well understood for who he was more intimately? a) Neptune conjunct Sun b) Chiron 5th House c) Moon on the 12th House Cusp d) All of the above 5. All of the following placements in Warren Buffett’s chart could indicate humanitarian tendencies - except? a) Strong Cancerian presence b) Neptune conjunct Sun c) Saturn in Capricorn in the 1st House d) Moon on the 12th House Cusp *The answers are in the video!
Money Themes in the Astrological Chart:  Part 1
Tara Sutphen

Money Themes in the Astrological Chart: Part 1

The Astrology of Money - Part I How do money themes show up in the birth chart? What are some of the major interpretive tools to assess how, when, and to what extent an individual will earn money? Are some people born to be rich, poor, or middle class? How does this change over time? Does everyone have the potential to be rich? How might we dissect money and value? This lecture is the first of a 3 part series. Each lecture is to be purchased and downloaded separately. In Part 2, we'll assess the astrological chart of Billionaire, Warren Buffett. In Part 3, we'll Interpret the chart of an everyday individual from a financial perspective. This person never earned a lot of money, but was able to find great meaning and depth in life as well as ultimate financial sustainability. Money Talks Part 1 Quiz: People who have no earth in their charts are destined to struggle with money. True or False? 2. Which of the following is a way to explore possible methods that an individual can earn money? a) The house placement of the Sun b) The number of planets in earth signs in the chart c) The significance/expression of the houses that have earth signs on their cusps d) A & C 3. Which house is traditionally thought of as the “money house” but also pertains to themes of material values and self worth? a) 1st b) 2nd c) 6th d) 10th 4. If a person has no planets or earth in the 2nd House of their birth chart, they’re likely to struggle financially. True or False 5. Which of the following variables can influence financial status? a) Jupiter conjunct Sun, Moon or Pluto in the natal chart b) Planets in the 2nd or 8th Houses c) Transits d) Progressions e) All of the above 6. The element of earth always indicates themes of money in the chart. True or False
Mars in Gemini/Retrograde, Aug '22 - March '23: What The Cosmic Battle Means for You
Tara Sutphen

Mars in Gemini/Retrograde, Aug '22 - March '23: What The Cosmic Battle Means for You

Mars in Gemini/Retrograde - Aug. 2022 to March 2023: The Battle of the Warrior and The Twins Mars will spend 7 months in the sign of Gemini with a retrograde cycle in the middle. The last time Mars was Retrograde in Gemini was in 2008. Tara and Matthew discuss potential pitfalls in communication, conflict, thoughts, perspectives, divisiveness, confusion, and direction as well as empowering tools and opportunities to gain clarity, focus, drive, heart-centered communication, and partnership. Mars in Gemini/Retrograde Quiz: 1. Mars typically spends about how long in each sign? a) 1 year b) 1 week c) 3 months d) 5 weeks 2. Mars goes retrograde how frequently? a) 3 times per year b) Annually c) Every 2 years d) Every 4-5 years 3. The archetype of Mars pertains to all of the following except? a) Self assertion b) Drive c) Fighting for ones truth d) Intuition e) Self expression 4. All of the following are examples of possible issues and themes that can occur while Mars is Retrograde in Gemini – except? a) Death and Rebirth b) Communication mishaps c) Arguments d) Temporary confusion around direction and intentions e) Clarity of needs and desires 5. One of the possible benefits of the post retrograde shadow period of Mars in Gemini is? a) Winning an argument b) Long distance travel c) Partnering with another who has complimentary viewpoints but mutual goals e) Ending a relationship *The answers to these questions and more are in the video!
Midheaven: Finding Your Way - Your Personal Brand
Tara Sutphen

Midheaven: Finding Your Way - Your Personal Brand

Midheaven in Action: Finding Your Way in the World - Your Personal Brand In Part 2 of this two-part series, Matthew and Tara discuss the significance of the Midheaven as an indicator of professional ambitions, status in society, unique talents and the contrasting relationship with the IC/Nadir discussed in Part 1. Quiz: 1. Astronomically, the relationship between the IC and MC can best be described as? a) An axis connecting two meridians b) The contrast between Northern and Southern Hemispheres c) Views of the Eastern and Western skies d) Facets of the monthly Lunar Cycles 2. Psychologically, the relationship between the IC and MC can best be described as? a) Masculine vs. Feminine traits b) Conscious Mind vs. Subconscious Mind c) Qualities we inherit from our families vs. how we establish differentiation and a role in society d) Varying expressions of our inner child 3. Which of the following is not one of the four angles in the chart? a) Ascendent b) Imum Coeli (IC) c) Midheaven (MC) d) Moon e) Descendent 4. In the sample chart for “Charlie Jones,” all of the following are indicators of the potential for strong professional drive and success except? a) 10th House Pluto b) 1st House North Node c) Jupiter conjunct Mars in the 2nd House d) Saturn in the 7th House 5. Which of the following statements are true? a) We find private retreat through the expression of the archetype ruling our 4th House b) Our professional ambitions or qualities pertaining to career are expressed through the archetype ruling our 10th House c) The mother or mother figures can be associated with 4th House and the father or father figures can be associated with 10th House d) All of the above e) None of the above

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