Full Sturgeon Moon

Full Sturgeon Moon
By Tara Sutphen
The Full Sturgeon Moon (Native American) at 11* Aquarius will culminate, August 3, 2020 8:59am PdT/11:59am EdT (Farmers Almanac).
This Full Sturgeon Moon is about going over plans. It’s a time to pause and think things through again. As your future is unfolding you need to be in touch with the times. Thinking, saying and acting in a clear forward way. People are prickly and situations are unclear, and to keep away from the confusion you must make choices and plan for days, weeks and months ahead. Being diligent now will help you through un-chartered waters.
Your future relies on you making these plans upcoming. It’s best to be sensible and not dramatic right now. You’re to activate your dependability. Places, People, jobs and situations should all be looked at and graded from 1-100. And anything below 50 should be diagnosed and reassessed. You can make plans on how things need to be restructured and organized. If you plan for sound changes, rearranging your time, money and circumstances won’t be so disruptive. And it will be your idea, which is how it’s supposed to be,
When making decisions upcoming, remember why you’ve come to this juncture. Are you supposed to be making changes or any sudden moves. Are you supposed to hold sacred space for your family, friends and neighbors. If you’ve been displaced in some way, are you being saved in the long run. Or are you feeling alarmed and somewhat downtrodden. When you stay focused, you can traverse the roadblocks. When there is something you want and the universe keeps saying no. Anxiety play a big role in keeping us stuck and trapped. Aquarius is a “get out of jail free” card. You are to free your mind, free your fears, free your talents and free your repression.
Staying Calm and Breathing Deeply, the new day will dawn and you will trust your mind and its reasonableness. You will think of your children and pets, family members or friends. You begin the balance of creation and beauty. You know your options and benefits… There will be a rightness.
Here’s some tips on how to make clear decisions.
Use your Emotions - How do you Feel:
What do you want your health to be
What do you want your career to be
How do you want to make money
How much money do you want
How hard are you willing to work
How much time are you willing to study
How much time are you willing to work
Are you working smarter not harder
Where do you want to live
What kind of house do you want
Where are your opportunities
What are you afraid of
What are you NOT afraid of
What are your opportunities to date
Who are you committed
Over 18 years, do they pull their share
Do you make conscious choices to clear your confusion - how.
B. Use your Intellect - How do you reason:
What do you want your health to be
What do you want your career to be
How do you want to make money
How much money do you want
How hard are you willing to work
How much time are you willing to study
How much time are you willing to work
Are you working smarter not harder
Where do you want to live
What kind of house do you want
Where are your opportunities
What are you afraid of
What are you NOT afraid of
What are your opportunities to date
Who are you committed
Over 18 years, do they pull their share
Do you make conscious choices to clear your confusion - how
Reasoning gives you a chance to be more objective about yourself and your needs over the emotional side of your nature.
C. Visualize your future
Create your perfect world in your minds eye
Be willing to compromise if you live with others
No rigidity
D. Stop Arguing
Make Space in your mind
Be truthful, especially to yourself
Make space in your future
Don’t fight for your limitations
Do not fall prey to others fear
Don’t judge others
Don’t persuade others
Do you have clear mind and why
Create strength of mind
E. Progressive Movement
Use your vitality
Use your personal power
We read, therefore learn
Use your core values
Take steps to achieve in health, well-being, career, well-being, relationships, love, positive direction
Use your education
Use your creativity
Use your sound plans
Create strength of body
Forward movement, we have been lead toward knowledge. The internet alone is full of useful information. Decipher, connect, or act accordingly on clueful information.
Everyone knows what’s wrong to do…bad habits, addictions, procrastination or rebelliousness. Bad tempers or isolation, release misfortune and start by being resourceful, capable and enterprising. Learning to listen again. Drinking plenty of water, and meditate. Resonating with the earth and expecting the very best instead of the very worst.
Journal Questions:
Who do you get along with:
Work arena
Are you seen as Contructive or Destructive?
Where do you build your life:
How can you be more connected in your personal life or work life: List 3 things if not 3 sentences
Your Aspirations:
What Inspires you:
(5 sentences or more)
Who Inspires you:
(5 people and why)
_____Crossroads present themselves more often than not in our lives. You actually know when you are making a right resolve or a wrong choice. As painful as it is at the time, the long run establishes a clearer picture and as we go through life we understand the why’s. They may be agonizing, but can set us free, and be our beautiful “a-ha” moments.
“To be careless in making decisions is to naively believe that a single decision impacts nothing more than that single decision, for a single decision can spawn a thousand others that were entirely unnecessary or it can bring peace to a thousand places we never knew existed.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough, Flecks of Gold on a Path of Stone: Simple Truths for Life's Complex Journey
Repost :)