New Moon 3* Taurus & Earth Da

New Moon 3* Taurus & Earth Day
I think all of us are feeling fortunate to be walking around and participating in the world right now. We don’t always know where we’re going. But if we close our eyes and center our minds and hearts. We know we can make good solutions to the dilemmas that may face us upcoming. Change is inevitable at any given time and our ancestors were brave and risked their lives to create good choices. It’s in our DNA to have courage and untapped skill to forge forward.
We live in an amazing atmosphere, the ground we walk on and the food we eat is mother nature at it’s best. If you haven’t taken a few moments every day to meditate and thank every facet of what earth gives to you. You are held in the palm of creation and cradled day in and day out. If only we recognize our good fortune.
This month as we celebrate the new moon, we’re to really put on our thinking caps and come up with at least 3 ideas in each area of your life.
Even if your skill set doesn’t make it easy, it is at least a new dream born in the dark and you can start to cultivate it. Just as a seed is started from the soil, welcoming you to start a seedling or metaphorically a creative endeavor.
Lets plant some motivation in your mind:
Sky Gazing
Looking up instead of looking down. You can do this standing, sitting or laying down. Figure out the different clouds, and then think of the possibilities of others places and at night enjoy the stars and be thankful about our solar system.
Being in Resonance with the Earth
Listen to the Planets hum or sound (scientific fact) and match your vibe with the great mother
Taking a Walk
When you’re walking around do so with complete wonder, notice how vibrant the colors are all around you. Tune into what you are seeing and feeling.
A Moment of Gratitude
who you love and who loves you
Who do you admire and who admires you
How you admire Earth and how earth admires you
If I could choose the perfect future what would it look like
Come back into your natural state of being, it can be something very simple. If you need to rest then do so. Meditate for 10-20 minutes if you can, it can renew your day.
What you seek is seeking you
Are you wanting to find love, success, great health and wisdom. It is at your fingertips. Clarity a lot of times leads you to what you want and why you want it.
We should always be giving something back to the earth. She is very much alive, she speaks the language of weather and the elements. You can pray with your feet on the ground, placing a flower at a tree base, or walking around in resonance. The sooner we treat her with respect and love, she returns it a 100 fold.
Happy Earth Day Everyone, & Beautiful Prayers at the New Moon
Blessings & Love,
Tara Sutphen