Meditating 20 minutes daily

This is the time to allow yourself to quiet down, if you find your head is spinning and you’re not really slowing down. Your needing to sit and meditate for 20 minutes daily. Many healers and teachers recommended this form of relaxation for everyone. If you fall asleep, no worries, just take a comfortable seat sitting up. Close your eyes and dump the would’ve-could’ve-should’ves and visualize a comfortable situation. I usually visualize a hot tub with no interruptions, soft holy music from the speakers and I say my Maharishi mantra. But you can use Om or bountiful or blessings whatever word you like. What you’re doing is re-centering your body, mind and spirit. This is a form of self-care and you’ll concentrate on your present and be more aware of what and who’s around you and our conscious awakening. #tuninginnottuningout #meditation #meditatedontmedicate #consciousness #present #tarasutphen #tarainsightdotcom follow Instagram @tara_insight