Full Worm Moon

Full Worm Moon
By Tara Sutphen
The Full Worm Super Moon (Native American) will culminate on March 9, 2020 10:48AM PT / 1:48PM ET (Farmers Almanac). A Super Moon means the Moon is nearer to earth.
The Worm Moon sharpens our focus. Sometimes we make swift judgements that lead to regrets and also to some disgrace. Be careful what you say and the actions you take at this time. The aspects of every full moon gently guides us toward clean up of all sorts of human situations. Pisces sun allows us to look at hidden and sometimes painful things while the Virgo full moon is reminding us to get to work and center ourselves. Our health is important and what are you missing in your human development.
The Super Moon is a personal spotlight on you. There is immeasurable understanding or scrutiny at this time. You are feeling the intensity. Remember this can challenge you to feel more alive and align to your true purpose. You are being shown how strong you are on the earth plane. Instead of shirking responsibilities, you welcome them.
You’re looking into the meaning of life and a deeper resonance of thought. You are tuning in instead of tuning out. You are ready finally, you want to handle living on earth. Family becomes important. Thinking in short term goals are in your conscious mind. Your subconscious has harbored doubt and suspicion about your abilities. You became untrusting, but you can become stronger now. You’re finding out it’s not about how other people act or conduct their lives. It’s all about how you proceed … and living well is on the agenda.
Journal Questions:
Write a paragraph on where on your skills and talents.
When did you start to doubt yourself.
Where did life start to get in the way.
Have you been paying enough attention to your health.
Have you been paying enough attention to your confidence and self-worth.
Do you take time to be good at everything you do.
How do you proceed with your ability to create
How do you proceed with your short term goals
Change. What is affecting you and how do you fix it
——How do you take care of your mental health. How do you take care of your physical health. You came to earth to handle it. What is the motivation, the desire and the basics to get your soul motivation back on track.
—-"Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above it." --Washington Irving
Mercury 2-17-20 Rx - 3-10-2020 direct

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