from Ancient to Modern Tools - Unlocking Supernatural Abilities

From Ancient to Modern Tools - Unlocking Supernatural Abilities
February 29, 2020
Moorpark, California
350. usd
February 29 is a Mystical day.
The gathering will be led by Cat & Tara. Both are Modern Mystics from opposites ends of the world. February 29 only happens once every 4 years, so on this day they will help you unlock the far reaching portal treasure within your inner sanctum. Valuable tools you may have never used yet in your lifetime will be revealed. These new implements will help you recreate your time and/or goals in any area you have been lacking or needing a boost.
Tara will lead you into a deep hypnotic meditation searching for the discovery, tool or missing piece of what you need.
Cat will help guide you to push aside the blocks holding you back to gain this discovery.
Within you is lightning fire, the deepest well, the strongest wind and solid sacred ground, it’s time to discover what is missing in you and how to activate your supernatural abilities.
You will learn about Sacred Space - where healing, ideas, inspiration and creativity are unlocked
You will learn about ritual and ceremony - through ancient practices and how it tricks our stubborn ways to shift patterns to create new opportunities
Ancient energetic clearing techniques to shift emotions and boost the immune system
Protection tools
Activating Healers Hands
Opening the third eye through the Kawak ritual
Triggering cognitive abilities, mental action and acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses
Believing in You, Comprehending on a deeper level to access a better life
Come Join Us!
To register:
Limited to 17
Cat Faith
Cat Faith - Romanian Shaman. She is a Modern Shaman, Health Educator, Teacher and Founder of the International platform “Do Good Academy”. She accesses a diverse spectrum of healing techniques, teaching the Spoken Ancient Shamanic Traditions and collaborating with tribes, healers, masters and teachers from all over the world. She introduces cutting edge practices in nutrition, biology and neuroscience. She also likes to assist people in breaking repetitive patterns, clearing past life imprints, deconstructing limiting beliefs, healing trauma, understanding dis-ease, soul loss and dealing with intrusive energies. Cat facilitates personalized transformational experiences and sacred journeys.
Cat Faith has been practicing energetic medicine since 2009, training in London and Romania. Cat is a graduate of Media Pro Journalism Bucharest and of Greenwich University in London where she received her MA degree in Business and Events Management. In 2015, she started “Do Good Academy”, a platform dedicated to health, growth, spiritual education and sustainability where she organizes large scale events, festivals and retreats, promoting international speakers who share their wisdom and teachings at a global level. In 2016, she received her certification as a Health Educator specializing in raw and living foods, from the world-renowned Hippocrates Health Institute in Palm Beach, Florida. She is based in Spain, Mallorca and travels in Europe and the world performing healing work, teaching and organizing workshops and retreats. Her website is
Tara Sutphen CHT
Tara Sutphen is a Master of the Mystic Arts. An Author, World Renown Psychic and a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, she has authored books and she has been twice Grammy nominated. Tara is a Radio Host with her show "Transformation with Tara" featured on CTRNetwork, Contact Talk Radio. She has created several lines of meditation Recordings, Mp3s and DVDs and the APP IHYPNOTHERAPY available on your iPhone|iPad. Tara specializes in Shamanistic techniques which teach you to utilize your psychic abilities at your highest possible level. Tara's Brain-Mind and Goal Programming techniques have helped many become successful, find love, create better health, reach spiritual attunement, happiness, and even become famous and/or wealthy. Tara is well-known for her Channeling and Automatic Writing with her spirit guide, Abenda. Tara conducts and facilitates seminars and workshops all over the world. Over 200,000 people have attended a Sutphen Seminar, workshop, or retreat.