Transformation with Tara

title: Love Relationships and the Best Breakup
Tara Sutphen will interview April Hirschman - Author - Best Breakup Ever
Time: October 4, 2019 from 9am to 10am Pacific noon-1pm Eastern
Event Type: transformation with tara
Organized By: Tara Sutphen - HOST
Tara Sutphen will interview April Hirschman, Author of “Best Breakup Ever! Bouncing back from your breakup with humor & dignity”. April brings a compassionate tone to guiding you safely back from over-wrought feelings to finding center again. This book is a nice mix of wit and calm reason along with Aprils gentle way toward understanding the heart. You will feel identified that she relates to your personal woes. You can make an appointments for her coaching. Come Join Us www.ctrnetwork.