Full Singing Moon

Full Singing Moon
By Tara Sutphen
The Full Singing Moon (Celtic) at 13* Pisces will culminate September 4, 2017 12:04AM PdT/ 3:04AM EdT (Farmers Almanac/Moon Phases Calendar). The current phase of the moon is a Waxing Gibbous (99.0% illuminated), 13.8 days old and at a distance of 390890 Km (242888 Miles).
This Full Moon in Pisces is all about thoughtful observation. What’s happening behind the scenes in your life. You can look deeply into introspection – “within the self” or ponder what’s existent in contemplation – “outside the self”. Where are the negative patterns in your life? Isn’t it time to start to remove the stress and worry so we gain a greater footing in our earthly journey. We aren’t here for that long, we want it to be the “best” experience. No regrets, as they say. We know there can be so many twists and turns and we don’t have to act lost the whole time, we are on the adventure and our feet are “here”. With the realization – we are actually HERE and not someplace we think we should be. How do we realize the best possible now, and work to improve the situation. Right now where your feet are: You are experiencing the people you’ve surrounded yourself with and the employment you created, the area you live in, the food you are eating and the mistakes or issues you are fighting or solving.
If we take a few moments to take a little assessment of where your feelings linger, you know what you want and why you want it. Sometimes we are far away from what we want. But its about starting, so the beginning is now. If you keep putting it off, time flies and you could find yourself more and more trapped by circumstances. And you will start to wonder where is the “real you”. It’s your conception of what is the finest intentions for your life. You are the creator of your reality…
Journal Questions:
Are you or are you not, living the life of your dreams?
Were you too busy worrying about a bigger picture?
Were you missing opportunities or offerings?
Are you starting to doubt yourself?
Are you Partying too much?
Are you Daydreaming too much?
What is happening for you?
What is happening against you?
What is your desires?
What are your goals?
you live
What is your loving relationship of contentment and compromise
Are you compromising too much
What percentage is the scale of your love relationship (example: 50/50
How can you conciliate
What is the percentage scale of your friendships
Are they the right friends for you
What is the percentage scale of your job & fulfillment
How can you be more fulfilled
What is the percentage scale of your job & monetary value
How can you make more money for yourself
What holds you back…
People problems
Money problems
Relationship problems
Health problems
Personal issues
Bad habits
Career problems
Past choices
Do you have healthy
inside maintenance
outside maintenance
person maintenance
place maintenance
thing maintenance
When you feel insecure, do you have
Compassionate acceptance of yourself
Compassionate acceptance of others
Spending too much time on others and not yourself
Spending too much time on yourself and not on others
Forward movement toward positive activities
Forward movement toward negative activities
What and Who Motivates You
What stresses you out and what stabilizes you
Regain your health! Practice for the following month and all your life if you want:
Breathing deeply a few times a day
Drinking more water
Taking a walk
Writing in a Journal
Creating a solution
Creating plans
— It’s good to have goals. And sometimes you need some quiet time to reflect on what you really want. You have to take the necessary steps to achieve those aims. It takes a procedure to get to the things we desire or want to accomplish. Many times we either lack time, energy or a clarity on how a process really works. We get into faultfinding instead of solving. If we don’t criticize and actually learn the way to critique ourselves, we can launch toward a developmental course.
—- “The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival.” ~Aristotle (Ancient Greek Philosopher, Scientist & Physician 384BC-322BC
Item : Empowerment Zapper
USD $ 10.99
By Tara Sutphen
The powerful “Zapper” mind technology combined with audible suggestions. Use the CD three different ways: 1) Be mentally programmed in your home or office while sitting down and doing other things such as working at a computer or reading. 2) Use it as closed-eye meditative programming. 3) Use it as sleep programming. Simply listen as you go to sleep.
Some of the Spoken Suggestions
You make room in your life to manifest abundant joy, abundant love, abundant sex, and abundant monetary resources. You say “YES” to life. You always create the time to do what replenishes you. You attain balance and harmony by fulfilling your emotional, physical and spiritual needs. You are resourceful, tenacious and determined. And you have a life-affirming, uplifting attitude. You are authentic in your responses to life situations. You make room for miracles in your life. You’re strong, powerful and confident. You replace negative beliefs with a self-affirming attitude. You trust your intuitive powers. You feel young and enthusiastic and energetic, and you have the strength to do what you need to do. And you have the courage to say “NO” when you need to. You seek out and surround yourself with people who lift your spirit.

Registration or Information: info@tarasutphen.com 310-929-5040
Sedona Mystic Training with Tara Sutphen
October 28-29, 2017
The Mystic Training is learning to sorce. An occult power class to learn “Sorcery” — how to “sorce” answers and awareness as in the ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools. You will learn to use the power and energy of the Universe and to be at one with that power. Tara will help you to unblock your psychic centers and assist you to make contact with your Spirit Guides and Higher-Self, to channel, automatic write, use unique Tarot techniques, and access the path of your true destiny — opening to the deepest and most powerful part of yourself. We’ll also tap into excellence and merit through the exploration of psychic connection with the other side. Insight leads us out of vagueness. Not everyone seeks to decipher past blunders or catch a glimpse of the future as it might unfold, but those who do want to search for meaning to their dilemmas and gain confidence to live an important and rewarding life. Opening the five senses leads to deeper-consciousness.
Learning to manifest the splendor in all things, we want our relationships, love, success, happiness, family, great health, money, knowledge, wisdom to be the best it can be. Tara will help you unblock your psychic centers and assist you to make contact with your Mystics, Spirit Guides and Higher-Self for guidance. Included: Meditations, Life-Force Activation, Sorcing techniques, class discussions, and clarification. Join Tara and a small group of fellow travelers who will work together to create a magical and mystical weekend filled with deep learning of personal and universal mysteries.
Tara Sutphen is a modern Master of the occult sciences, having proved over and over again her ability to communicate with the dead, to obtain psychic answers, and predict coming events.
Fees & Location
The fee usd $495 per person. There is a non-refundable (but transferable) deposit of $75 to ensure your place in the seminar. Seminar hours at 10-5 PM both days. Final registration is 9 to 10 AM on Saturday morning. The seminar will take place at the Sedona Creative Life Center, 333 Schnebly Hill Road, Sedona, AZ 86336. Phone 928-282-9300.
Website: www.sedonacreativelife.com/ The center is the ideal gathering place, but it is not a hotel. So stay at any Sedona area hotel you like. They range from reasonable to four star-elegant.
Registration, Payment or Information info@tarasutphen.com 310-929-5040 Limited to 15 people