15* Scorpio New Moon

This Scorpio New Moon is about using the voice correctly and planning, journaling, practicing on what we want to create for the month. Scorpio is about being in touch with feelings that we hide from ourselves and others. It is deep introspection allowing change for your personal know-how list of things to do. We aren’t to wallow in sentimentality but really seek what would make any situation better. We find solace and solutions to our mental and physical health, others health, and well-being. Deep contemplation gives answers to blocks and allows us to know about negative delusion. We can delude ourselves in all sorts of traps. But we can change it easily, mostly through adjustments of how we treat ourselves and others. Contemplating what change needs to happen. This introspection gives us a plan to put into effect. Scorpio brings excitement, surprises and changes, they will be fast coming with no warning. #tarasutphen #tarasinsight #meditation #hypnotherapist #readings Taraappointment@gmail.com
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