Full Pink Moon
Full Pink Moon By Tara Sutphen The Full Pink Moon (Native American) at 18* Libra will culminate, April 7, 2020 7:36pm PDT/10:36pm EDT...

Meditating 20 minutes daily
This is the time to allow yourself to quiet down, if you find your head is spinning and you’re not really slowing down. Your needing to...

Staying Safe Prayer Meditation during Corona Virus

Spring Equinox
Spring Equinox, Ostara, Eostre, Easter, Vernal Equinox By Tara Sutphen 21st March Spring Equinox marks the mid-point of the Waxing...

new moon 4* pisces
meaning: you've decided to go with the flow, the unflexability and anxiousness you've been experiencing is done. You're in the mood for...

Unlocking Supernatural Abilities
From Ancient to Modern Tools - Unlocking Supernatural Abilities February 29, 2020 Moorpark, California 9pm-6pm 350. usd February 29 is a...

Full Snow Super Moon
Full Snow Moon By Tara Sutphen The Full Snow Super Moon (Native American) will culminate on February 8, 2020 11:33 PM PT /February 9,...

Imbolc Blessings the Sabbats, it is an ancient festival generally celebrated on January 31, February 1, or February 2. It is also known...

from Ancient to Modern Tools - Unlocking Supernatural Abilities
From Ancient to Modern Tools - Unlocking Supernatural Abilities February 29, 2020 Moorpark, California 9pm-6pm 350. usd February 29 is a...