Recharge Lifeforce Spell
Recharge Lifeforce Spell 1 candle (white or lavender) 1 chalice (vessel or stem glass) w. Water Breathe in 7x - each time easily taking a...

The Harvest – Lughnasadh
Lughnasadh By Tara Sutphen Lughnasadh is the harvest and reaping great rewards, it is also a day of feasting. Lugh, is the Celtic God of...

Happy Beltaine
Beltaine is the “Celebration of the Light”,the light time of the year. The dark time being remembered by Samhain. May 1 is the day in the...

Happy Spring Equinox
Spring Equinox, Ostara, Eostre, Easter, Vernal Equinox By Tara Sutphen 21st March Spring Equinox marks the mid-point of the Waxing...

Winter Solstice & Yule – DEC 21
Winter Solstice & Yule By Tara Sutphen Dec 21: The Winter Solstice is a celebration of the heart, vessel of our dreams. Through the...