Transformation with Tara
title: Love Relationships and the Best Breakup Tara Sutphen will interview April Hirschman - Author - Best Breakup Ever Time: October 4,...

Sedona Psychic Seminar
Sedona Mystic Training with Tara Sutphen November 2-3, 2019 The Mystic Training is learning to sorce. An occult power class to learn...

5* Libra New Moon
#Tarasutphen #lifeforce #lifeforceactivation #tarainsight #moon #newmoon #libra

Autumn 🍂 Equinox
Mabon Autumn Equinox, 2nd Harvest, September 23, 2019 (Almanac) By Tara Sutphen Mabon, (pronounced MAY-bun, MAY-bone, MAH-boon, or...

Shaman Apex at the Vortex
November 2-3, 2019 Mystic Training in Sedona AZ March 13, 14, & 15, 2020 Shaman Apex at the Vortex Sedona AZ 424-781-7103...

Friday the 13th Facts
Friday the 13th Facts Here are a few fun facts of Friday the 13th to get you in the mood that it’s a good day: o The US Seal has 13...

Full Harvest Moon
Full Harvest Moon By Tara Sutphen The Full Harvest Moon (Native American) at 21* Pisces will culminate, September 13, 2019 9:33pm PdT/...

Friendships By Tara Sutphen Friendships can be a meeting of souls, where we are mysteriously drawn together and the connection is cosmic....

Full Dog Days Moon
Full Dog Days Moon By Tara Sutphen The Full Dog Days Moon (Colonial American) at 22* Aquarius will culminate, August 15, 2019 5:29 am...

Lughnasadh - The Harvest
Lughnasadh By Tara Sutphen Lughnasadh is the harvest and reaping great rewards, it is also a day of feasting. Lugh, is the Celtic God of...